Looking to increase your content knowledge and engage in cross-curricular activities designed for your classroom? CSATS i-STEAM Workshops provide opportunities for teachers to learn science, engineering, and math through integrated activities from Penn State researchers and faculty with a focus on STEAM concepts.
Spend a week with Center for Science and the Schools getting an in-depth experience with Penn State researchers. CSATS week-long workshops focus on engaging teachers in activities designed around cutting-edge research projects. Workshop activities may include field trips to site locations, working with researchers and graduate students in their labs or in the field, and professional development tailored to bring research-based practices into your classroom!
CSATS offers opportunities for K-12 students throughout the academic year and summer. Opportunities range from STEM challenges for your school to summer immersive research experiences with Penn State University science and engineering researchers.
The Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Program is a seven-week summer research program for middle and high school STEM teachers. For Summer 2024, the RET programs will be offered online or in-person depending on the placement. Please see the descriptions under "Additional Information" on the left for more information. Teachers selected for the program will participate in ongoing research projects with university science or engineering faculty and work with CSATS science education faculty to develop a classroom research project based on their research experience.